Sunday, January 4, 2009

Activist Websites

The following are recommended activist websites I've found useful in one way or another. I encourage as many people as possible to visit and support.

More information on these later...

The Nuisance of Telephone Poles

As I was driving back from Greenwood today, I paid particular attention to the numerous amounts of telephone poles. I've realized they're really inconvenient and I was thinking of alternatives for them. Although to create an alternative one needs to know the purposes of the fault invention.
Utility poles:
-distribute electric power(distribution lines)
-have subtransmission lines
-carry telecommunication cables

..To be continued. Disrupted due to lack of sleep..

Cryptex Box

I was really bored one day, and decided to invent something. I really wanted to invent a box that would keep my secrets, or more importantly, papers that belong to other people (not as shady as I just made it seem), and other things. Anyways, I decided to incorporate a cryptex puzzle into a wooden box. It took a lot of sketches at first for it to work properly, but eventually I made the puzzle proportionate to the box.

The vile of the cryptex would contain sulfuric acid instead of vinegar; this would insure that if someone opened the box by force, the vile would break and many of the documents would become illegible, and if someone touched the papers, well.. their fingers would burn.

The hinge of the box would be the following:

Incase of an obstructed view from the pictures, I'll do my best to explain. Then hinge system consists of 3 brass "slates". #1) 1 1/2' x 1' #2) 2' x 1' #3) 3' x 1' The height of 3 inches for the third slate is relative to the height of the box (excluding the lid/cover). The hinge system is obviously located inside of the box, and is key in the role of breaking the knotched vile. Slate #1 is screwed horizontally into the ldge of the lid. Slate #3 is screwed vertically into the inside ledge of the box accordingly. Slate #2 is then the "moving slate" that is connected to slates #1 and #2 by two brass connectors. The hollow track created by slates #2 and #3 is wide enough to insert a glass vile of acid(with a small brass rod inside)equal to the width of the box. At one end of the brass rod&vile is a brass head that will eventually be the top of the cryptex puzzle.

The following is a diagram how the puzzle is installed into the back of the wooden box:

So obviously, the typical cryptex consists of six discs each with 26s letters. The disc dimensions I'm using will be demonstrated later, but for simplicity's sake I won't incorporate the math in these explanations just yet. Anyways, each disc has a hollow centre in which the brass rod&vile fit through, and above that a much smaller track in which a small wire can be woven through and attrached to the inside of the rearside of the box and the bottom of the box to allow free rotation of the disc. Each disc also has a square knotch incorporated into the hole od the disc directly underneath the letter that is apart of the puzzle's password. So for example, let's say the password is KRISTA. Each disc would correspond to a letter, and under that letter would be a knotch. Thus when all knotches are aligned appropriately, the glass vile with matching raised knotches will slide out of the hinge and the box in general with ease. One can arrange the password on the back side of the wooden box, where six 3' x .5' slits are cut, and the discs fitting appropriately into them, with the brass rod and glass vile on the inside (obviously) and the head of rod on the outer-side of the box, opposite to the end inserted into the hinge track. The head of the rod contains a small key which can be retrieved once the rod is removed, and then used to open the classic lock on the front of the box.

The mathematics of it will be included once I find an appropriate way to do so...

It's perfectly clear that this invention is highly impractical, especially in the twentyfirst century, but was just a fun way to relieve boredom on a thursday night.


Unfortunately, my brain tends to think much faster than I can type, so if I rapidly switch topics, forgive me, yet I'll try to be conscious of this.

For the past year I've been thinking a lot about maturity; what it means, where it comes from, etc. I've realized now that there are different ways of being mature, but more importantly, I've realized maturity is understanding.

By definition, maturity is "full development; adulthood: the period of time in your life after your physical growth has stopped and you are fully developed". Clearly this definition mentions nothing specific about the psychological aspect, and maybe it shouldn't. However, I think it's an important aspect when explaining what maturity really is.

Having the ability to fully comprehend all sides of an argument or situation, and not just one's own argument is an example of maturity. Clearly there are many more examples, and other bones of contention I'd like to address later.

Although firstly I'd like to bring up an idea of Chris Langan's, and if you don't know who he is, I suggest you google him. Anyways, he believes to an extent that the size of the brain is related to the intelligence. His example was this:

Brain size of a mouse = tiny
Brain size of a cat = slightly larger
Brain size of a dog = slightly larger again
Brain size of an ape = larger
Brain size of a human = even larger

His argument was that as you peer down the list above, the brain size increases as does the general intelligence. According to Peter H Raven, the average size of the human brain is 1450 cc. If his "theory" was true, a human with a brain the size of 1600 cc would be smarter than the average brain of 1450 cc. Although what he doesn't consider is the capacity. He's mistaken to think that because one has a larger brain, makes one more intelligent, but perhaps it just means they have the capacity to be more intelligent. There are studies that the larger the brain (and ofcourse the age of the brain) include more white matter. White matter ... oops I just caught myself jumping ahead again ... Anyways, I'll explain how this all relates to maturity soon enough, but right now there are other things demanding my attention.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


As a warning, before anyone starts reading this blog, I'd like to point out the things that I hope to completely exclude from this blog. This is only for your sake, as I would never want to dissappoint the nosy...

- Juicy Gossip
- Latest Celebrity News
- Private Information of Others &

Thus if the above was what you were anticipating to find, I suggest Google.

Welcome to Rimorinvenio

Welcome to Rimorinvenio,

This is my first official blog, created with zero intentions, expectations, and with the inspiration from a close friend.

Rimorinvenio will perhaps be a transcribed version of my handwritten "journal", along with other random text. As you may find, I usually have a distinct style of writing in my "journal": short, to the point, honest, and blunt. I don't like wasting time making things flow unless I'm in a creative mood, or have the time to write in such a manner. Depending on who is aware of this blog, I may or may not transcribe everything on to this blog, in fear of the obvious.

This blog may simply become my brain on a screen; and a fresh canvas in which I can create, explore & discover..