Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome to Rimorinvenio

Welcome to Rimorinvenio,

This is my first official blog, created with zero intentions, expectations, and with the inspiration from a close friend.

Rimorinvenio will perhaps be a transcribed version of my handwritten "journal", along with other random text. As you may find, I usually have a distinct style of writing in my "journal": short, to the point, honest, and blunt. I don't like wasting time making things flow unless I'm in a creative mood, or have the time to write in such a manner. Depending on who is aware of this blog, I may or may not transcribe everything on to this blog, in fear of the obvious.

This blog may simply become my brain on a screen; and a fresh canvas in which I can create, explore & discover..


  1. I like how you start out saying there will be no intentions or expections, and then you list your intentions and your expectations.


    Oh well, such is the nature of intent.

  2. Actually, notice the strong use of "may" and "perhaps". I chose the language in particular because it doesn't imply that I'm expecting anything, it's just simply a possibility!
